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Blogging Resources

    Moms with older kids, what is your advice for those with younger kids?

    People are so quick to give their advice and magical words of wisdom to new mothers. But their expert guidance is simply their own personal opinions which is often found to be outdated and old fashioned. Now those mamas who have recently endured the stages of child rearing that you may be currently experiencing - that's some input I want to hear and maybe even use myself down the road. So, moms…

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  • Fall Baking Bucket List

    When the leaves begin to change colour and the mercury dips there's one thing that always comes to mind - what am I going…

  • Mama Needs Her Sleep

    In the early days (and months) of motherhood we enter into our new rolls expecting to be sleep deprived. Along the way we adapt…

  • Top Posts

    With the reinvigoration of Antlers & Eyelashes and taking on the challenge that is Blogtober - why not share some of this blog's more…