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Preteen Girl Christmas Gift Ideas

Gift buying for kids (especially girls) once they reach the age of ten or so becomes more and more difficult. Damn near impossible - to be honest! Everything they want is so bloody expensive. Yet buying them something they're not going to use or really need is such a waste of money. As the mother of an eleven year-old daughter, here is a relatively simple list of preteen girl Christmas gift ideas.…

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One and Done

The phrase "one and done" was conceived to define parents who have intentionally (or not) decided that they are completely gratified with having only one child. That's not to say that some parents don't experience a little grief here and there regarding said decision. But they are owning, defending, and loving every minute of their one and done family lifestyle!…

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Everyday Makeup Routine for Mama & Daughter

Most weekday mornings are a rush in this mama's house. Overslept, hit snooze one too many times, and mini-me is awake but just wants to stay in bed. Adopting a more simplified skincare and makeup routine was a must and since doing so, the morning rush has been a little less stressful. Here is a super easy everyday makeup routine for mama & daughter.…

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The Secret to Parenting a Pre-Teen Girl

At a certain age our daughters go from being a total sweetheart to a full-blown monster seemingly overnight. Children really are growing up faster than ever and, as a parent, the upheaval can be overwhelming to say the least. Here are a few tips and suggestions for surviving this transition as we all search for the secret to parenting a pre-teen girl.…

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Spring Fashion Trends

Most folks have already been shopping for Spring wardrobe pieces in the last month or two. But, for some of us, thinking about dressing for Spring doesn't come about until the snow has said bye-bye. The first day of Spring was just over a week ago. So let's get into it - Spring fashion trends.…

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