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Jenny Allan

Goal Getter!

Personally, I don't believe in New Year's resolutions. They're often unattainable and set one up for failure and disappointment. Purposeful goals and healthy intentions, however, are realistic - encouraging even! It may sound cliche, and even though it hasn't started out wonderfully, 2022 is turning me into a goal getter! …

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Tips For Getting Along With Your Tween Daughter

Every stage of a child's development has it's own challenges and it's the teenage years that most parents dread. But that is not always the case. Surprise! The "teenage years" may be creeping up a little sooner than expected - in your nine year-old daughter! Read on for a few tips for getting along with your tween daughter.…

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Christmas Colouring Pages

The other night, my daughter was in a colouring mood, but didn't really have anything *inspiring* to colour. She then asked if we could create a few colouring pages like we did before. Sure, why not! We all want to make our children happy, right?! So, we created a set of ten fun Christmas colouring pages! Enjoy!…

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Tween Girl Holiday Gift Guide

Nine tenths of the battle of holiday gift buying is deciphering what exactly it is one's loved ones are into. Having a nine year-old daughter, I struggled with what would be best to put under the tree for her this year. So, for both my own benefit and maybe my readers as well, here is a little tween girl holiday gift guide to help ease a little stress.…

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Periods in the Past

Gasp!  Talking about periods is totally taboo!  But, why?  Women endure a monthly menstrual cycle typically from the age of about twelve until they're well into their fifties.  That’s an average of about forty years of regular periods – not including when they stop during pregnancy!  Let’s educate (and maybe entertain) ourselves a little here and take a peek into how women dealt with their periods in the past.…

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