People are so quick to give their advice and magical words of wisdom to new mothers. But their expert guidance is simply their own personal opinions which is often found to be outdated and old fashioned. Now those mamas who have recently endured the stages of child rearing that you may be currently experiencing - that's some input I want to hear and maybe even use myself down the road. So, moms…
In the early days (and months) of motherhood we enter into our new rolls expecting to be sleep deprived. Along the way we adapt and become accustomed to surviving on a lack of sound slumber even after the wee ones have developed a routine sleep schedule themselves. Yet we often hear ourselves admit "mama needs her sleep" or at least a bit of a break.…
As a mother, spending one-on-one time with your daughter is so important - especially as they get older. Prioritizing quality time doesn't need to be difficult. Here are a few mom and daughter date ideas to get you started.…
They say the best way to educate a child about the ways of life are simply to lead by example. The same goes for developing good spending and saving habits - and the basics of money. Starting young is best, but delving into the fine art of finances is an important lesson as any age. Here are a few points to cover when teaching your kids the value of money.…
Gift buying for kids (especially girls) once they reach the age of ten or so becomes more and more difficult. Damn near impossible - to be honest! Everything they want is so bloody expensive. Yet buying them something they're not going to use or really need is such a waste of money. As the mother of an eleven year-old daughter, here is a relatively simple list of preteen girl Christmas gift ideas.…
The phrase "one and done" was conceived to define parents who have intentionally (or not) decided that they are completely gratified with having only one child. That's not to say that some parents don't experience a little grief here and there regarding said decision. But they are owning, defending, and loving every minute of their one and done family lifestyle!…