There’s a stereotype between men and women and how they deal with their feelings – and it irks me a little!
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Why is it acceptable for a man to be moody, short-tempered, curt, condescending, hypocritical, rude – must I go on?!
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But if a woman displays any of these traits – she’s just a bitch?!
Ladies, why is it that when we express any type of emotion in a passionate manner, we are met with criticism?
A woman who speaks her mind and refuses to be silent and walked all over is translated to starting a fight, or hormonal!
Women are allowed to have a bad day – just like a man!
Women are allowed to express their frustration and vent – just like a man!
For my parent’s generation, men worked and women stayed home with the kids. Dad brought home the bacon, while Mom cooked and cleaned and child-reared.
Wives were expected to have dinner ready, keep the children quiet while Dad relaxed after a long day’s work, and have the housework complete.
The boys are tired after a long day and the lady-folk shouldn’t disturb or rock the boat.
Those days are gone now, my friend!
Women, and more importantly – mothers – are in the workforce and contributing to the household just like their male counterparts. Of course, the gender gap in pay still favours the men (not in my case – I make more than my husband!), but women are bringing home the green all the same.
So, with women being in the workforce and experiencing the same stress, pressure, and tiredness that men experience – why can’t we unload every once in a while?
Why can’t women lose their shit from time to time without being judged and labelled?
Men don’t always hold it together. Why are we expected to?
Even for those women who choose (or don’t, depending on their situation) to stay at home with their kids – their day is not all sunshine and rainbows either!
Brave SAHM’s experience stress, anxiety, pressure, and shit (literally) just like those who work outside of the home!
In conclusion, in order to squash this stereotype of men can do be dicks, but women can’t …
Allow some venting – on both sides. Listen to each other, I mean really listen, and help one another through the trials and tribulation of day-to-day life.
Supporting each other is going to help you get through your bad day (or his) with more ease than ridiculing, judging, complaining, or fighting ever will.
Love and respect go a long way.
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