Autumn is not only a beautiful season because of the crisp air and the warm colours. Fall is an awesome time of year for heart warming dramas and edge of your seat horror flicks! Here is a list of must see movies for October.
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Before we get to the stereotypical October movies, let’s touch on films for Thanksgiving. Halloween movies get all the screams, Christmas flicks get a whole lot of attention, but Thanksgiving films have the heart. Check out these movies for a little togetherness, fave foods, friendships, and just a cozy feeling.
Free Birds
This animated comedy is the perfect family-friendly Turkey Day flick about a couple of time-traveling turkeys revisiting the first feast to change the traditional Thanksgiving menu.

Home for the Holidays
A woman is spending Thanksgiving with her family after going through a rough patch in her personal life.

This nineties comedy, featuring Pauly Shore, will tickle your funny bone and tug at your heart strings. The sh*t hits the fan when a country girl brings her city friend home for Thanksgiving.

Scent of a Woman
A young student agrees to take care of a blind veteran over Thanksgiving break and ends up learning a whole lot about life at the same time. The end of this movie is so effing awesome!

Now, for the scary stuff! Everyone has their favourite Halloween movies that scare and delight. Here’s a breakdown of the must see spooky flicks for this October.
Hocus Pocus
I mean, this is a must see every October! Witches, zombies, and black magic – this is a cult classic that the whole family will enjoy.

This is a family friendly horror film about the afterlife and haunting ghosts. A timeless Tim Burton movie!

Practical Magic
Not all witches are bad – or ugly! A family of witches encompass this Halloween romantic comedy about love and loss.

Halloween – All of them!
Make a point of binge watching all of the Halloween movies – from start to finish! Love the original and the most recently released film. Both of which feature scream queen – Jamie Lee Curtis.

Ghostbusters – All of them!
Again, arrange a Ghostbusters marathon and rewatch all of the films – including the female version!

Rocky Horror Picture Show
Another classic must-see film for October! Tim Curry is second to none in this film and one cannot go through October without doing the “Time Warp” at least once!

Freddy vs Jason
My nine year old daughter’s favourite horror movie – Jason Voorhees is her hero! The battles between these two iconic horror characters are absolutely awesome! Add this one to your viewing list for sure!

Saw (the Original)
The sequels kind of got a little cheesy and nothing beats the original! A suspenseful watch from start to finish!

Let’s not forget Annabelle Comes Home and The Conjuring films that coincide with this story. There’s something that really makes your hair stand on end about a possessed doll!

Scream – All of them!
It’s a little cheesy, but I really do like these movies. Kind of more relatable because they feature young people and this movie came out when I was in high school! Watch them again!

Regardless of what you watch this month – do so as a family! We, for one, enjoy gathering in front of the television with a plate of finger foods or a slew of munchies! Make some memories with these must see movies for October!
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