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Teaching Kids to Care for Their Skin

As mothers, we carry a huge responsibility to teach crucial life skills and healthy habits to our children. From their ABC's and 123's to their first driving lesson - and all the little *seemingly insignificant* things in between - there is so much to teach the next generation. And these lessons include healthy skincare practices. Here are few tips for teaching kids to care for their skin.…

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Christmas Colouring Pages

The other night, my daughter was in a colouring mood, but didn't really have anything *inspiring* to colour. She then asked if we could create a few colouring pages like we did before. Sure, why not! We all want to make our children happy, right?! So, we created a set of ten fun Christmas colouring pages! Enjoy!…

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WTF Are Fidgets?

Kids - well, mine anyway - are constantly asking for stuff! Sugary treats, an array of toys that they play with once and then never touch again, and endless passing fads. One of the latest things my daughter has been asking for are fidgets. So, parents, let's get some answers to the burning questions - WTF are fidgets and why does my kid want them??…

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Shopping for a growing child

Our nine year-old daughter just doesn't stop growing! I just placed an online clothing order with Old Navy and this may be the last year that clothes from the kids section will fit our not-so-little girl! Here are some tips for dealing with the struggle of shopping for a growing child.…

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Tips for Getting Kids to do Chores

It is important that our girl learns that we don't just get things handed to us - we have to work for it. Therefore we are beginning to issue a weekly allowance to our child in return for simple household chores. Here are a few tips for getting kids to do chores and teaching them the value of money.…

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