2019 Goals – January

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I’m not good with resolutions. I have the best intentions, but not the follow through to maintain such a big yearly commitment.

So, for 2019, instead of a resolution for the WHOLE YEAR! I’m opting to set goals to better myself and encourage a healthier lifestyle – ONE MONTH AT A TIME.

They say it takes 21 days to make a habit stick and one month is a reasonable time period to commit to something. Hopefully at the end of 2019, I’ve improved myself and my lifestyle not just one year, but for many more to come.

Here we go !!

January Focus – Increase the H2O.

This may seem like a no-brainer for most of you, but this is a challenge for me. I know I get dehydrated during the day, especially at work, and a simple glass of cold water can do wonders for my productivity. If I get a headache at work, instead of popping some advil, I fill up my water bottle and down a few mouthfuls and my pounding head begins to clear up in no time!

Most days, even at home, I really don’t drink a lot of fluids. Coffee in the morning is a must! But I like to limit my intake to no more than two cups a day.

… as I’m writing this, I pause to grab a glass of water!

Other than that, I may have a cup of tea in the late afternoon and juice or pop (I know they’re bad for you, but they taste sooo friggin’ good!) with meals – and that’s it!

Water plays a vital roll in keeping your body healthy.

it aids in digestion

helps to regulate your blood pressure

assists in keeping your organs and joints in good working order

controls your body temperature

lower your risk of dehydration and heat stroke

Facts on Fluids (Dietitians of Canada)

According to Dietitians of Canada, women my age (over the age of 19!) should be consuming 9 cups (250 mL) of water daily. You’d drink more, obviously, during the warmer weather and when you are physically active.

Now, I don’t measure every glass of water and add up how much I’ve consumed in a day!

So, how do you know when you’re getting enough?

Check your thirst – If you are thirsty or have a dry mouth, it is likely that you are not drinking enough. Aim to drink fluids often throughout the day. Remember that once you are thirsty, you are already somewhat dehydrated.

Facts on Fluids (Dietitians of Canada)

Check your urine – If your urine is a dark yellow colour and has a strong smell, you may not be getting enough fluids. Urine that is light yellow or clear in colour usually means that you are drinking enough fluids. The amount of urine you make can also be a sign of your hydration status. If you do not make much urine throughout the day and it is dark in colour, you likely need more fluids.

Facts on Fluids (Dietitians of Canada)

Check your mood – If you feel light headed and tired, are not able to focus or have many headaches, these could be signs that you are dehydrated.

Facts on Fluids (Dietitians of Canada)

Facts on Fluids – How to Stay Hydrated – an Article brought to you by Dietitians of Canada.     Click on the link to read the full article.

Here are some helpful tips I discovered during my research.

  • Be aware of your thirst and drink fluids often throughout the day. Always keep water with you during the day and even when out and about. Be mindful of keeping up with your fluid intake. Set a reminder on your phone or smart-watch to help keep you on track. You can even get smart water bottles to remind you to drink water at timed intervals.
  • Water is always best. Avoid soft drinks and sugary fruit juice.
  • Enjoy other healthy fluids such as milk, milk alternatives, 100% vegetable juice, coconut water, tea and soups to help you meet your fluid needs.
  • Choose decaffeinated drinks more often to keep you well hydrated. Drinks with caffeine should be limited to 3 cups per day. 
  • Drink a glass of water before meals and while eating.
  • Add fresh fruit or vegetables to a pitcher of water and keep in the fridge at home or work. The added flavour kicks the plain water up a notch and makes drinking it all day a little easier.
  • Remember to drink more in hot weather and when you are very active.

Water also does wonders for your skin.

Water can help flush out all the crap in your system that may cause breakouts and other skin irritation.

Drinking water regularly – and by regularly, I mean a shit tonne of water – to the point that you feel sick to your stomach! – may result in:

  • Your skin may appear fuller and brighter.
  • Skin may be more hydrated (may need a little less moisturizer).
  • May feel more rested and refreshed (only after the hundredth bathroom trip because you feel as though you bladder may explode).
  • Eyes may be less puffy
  • Redness may be reduced and be replaced my a healthy glow.

Not only will the appearence of your skin improve over time, but you may get a little more spring in your step.

An increase in water consumption may result in increased energy and better sleep as well. You may experience stronger focus and concentration. Clarity with vision and thoughts. More awake. Less hungry. Hell, you may even lose a few pounds because you won’t have time to eat because of all the water you’ve downed during the day!!

So, cheers to January! Let’s raise a glass of crisp, clean, refreshing, good-for-you WATER! – Soda water with Vodka counts too, right?!!

Next: February Focus – A Dry Month (Alcohol-Free)

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