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Cool Fall Decor From Amazon

Hands down, Autumn is the most beautiful time of the year - and my personal favourite season! But when it comes to decking out our home, budget pieces are always on my radar. In comes Amazon! Quality items for a reasonable price - plus speedy *and free* shipping. Here is a round up of some cool fall decor from Amazon.…

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Summer Beauty *Survival* Tips

Even though Summer isn't officially here yet - it sure feels like it! Ontario has already seen quite a few days with temperatures well into the thirties and we're just into June. With that being said, our beauty regime may require a refresh for the hot and hazy days ahead. Here are a few Summer beauty *survival* tips for enduring Ontario's summer season.…

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Kid Friendly Snack Board

Are your kids constantly eating?! It seems they're an endless pit of meals, extra servings, dessert, and - of course, snacks! Next time the cravings kick in, make a kid friendly snack board - or charcuterie board - instead!…

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Conserving Those Hard Earned Dollars

How are Canadians - and other nations - dealing with this unprecedented inflation?! Outrageous gas rates, food prices, and overall costs of living have increased exponentially! Even though my household brings in a healthy income, we are watching our spending in order to avoid feeling the pinch. …

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