Conserving Those Hard Earned Dollars

I came across a TikTok video today of a woman venting about how ridiculously expensive her groceries were and it got me thinking. How are Canadians and other nations dealing with this unprecedented inflation?! Outrageous gas rates, food prices, and overall costs of living have increased exponentially! Even though my household brings in a healthy income, we are watching our spending in order to avoid feeling the pinch. Here are a few pointers, from what we’ve adapted to, for conserving those hard earned dollars.

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Household Necessities

Items like groceries, toiletries, and utilities are basic purchases and expenses that are crucial for day-to-day living. But there are a few ways to dial back on spending and even stay within budget when shopping.

Groceries & Toiletries

  • Always make a list and hold to it. Impulse purchases tend to put us over budget, so stick to the list.
  • Browse the flyers. Take a peek at the circulars of all your local stores for deals and weekly specials. Be sure to check stock of your pantry and paper products to see if you need to restock while the item is on sale.
  • Consider subscriptions for commonly used items like vitamins & supplements, protein powder, and even deodorant! See link below!
  • Look for in-store markdowns. Those bright pink labels you see in most grocery stores mean big savings! Though these precious stickers indicate the end of a product’s shelf life is approaching, you can still enjoy the goods. Freeze what you can for later use or plan a meal around an about-to-expire item.
  • Sacrifices must be made. The Tiktoker, whose post I mentioned above, noted that a watermelon cost $13 in the store she shopped in! Holy f*ck! That watermelon would not be coming home with me at that price! My family can certainly enjoy apples or berries this week (at a cheaper advertised price) and wait patiently for the watermelon to go on sale!

Subscribe and Save with Amazon on items like Pet Food, Beauty Products, and Groceries!

Utilities & Monthly Subscriptions

Household services like gas, electricity, heat, and even internet are essential for every day living. But there are ways to make these monthly payments more manageable.

Photo by on Unsplash
  • Contact your utility provider to inquire about an equal billing plan. This way you pay the same set amount for each billing cycle for the next year, making budgeting a little simpler.
  • Try to negotiate a lower rate. This can be possible for tech services like phone, internet, and television services.
  • Ask about a payment plan. Some utilities, like water and property taxes, are billed quarterly. A phone call to your local municipality may yield a more comfortable payment option that’s more affordable for your family.
  • Bundle services where possible to receive a discount and switch to paperless billing for a small cost reduction.

With regard to the countless monthly subscriptions folks have nowadays for things like music, television, health, and education – simply pare it down to the bare necessities. Drop your television streaming services from a dozen to maybe your top three favourites. Any subscriptions you feel are no longer needed or you don’t use anymore, just get rid of them and save a few bucks a month!

Mom Hacks for the Win!

Gas Consumption

For most people, simply not driving anymore is plainly not an option! Folks need to get to work, shuttle their kids to school, and have some semblance of a social life. But we can all certainly be more conscious of our travelling and consolidate road trips where possible.

Photo by Jonas Denil on Unsplash
  • Kill a few birds with one stone. Whether you’re visiting family, going to scheduled appointments, or just running errands – plan ahead and make multiple stops to the area you’re visiting.
  • Carpool, walk, or bike where possible. Arrange a playdate with a friend of your child who lives within walking distance instead of driving. Schedule a weekly carpool arrangement to save on gas purchases.
  • If possible, trade in your gas-guzzler for a model that’s more sensible on fuel.

Household Income

None of the above tips are even remotely helpful if your annual salary does not allow you the luxury of affordability. Some employers are giving their employees a cost of living increase on their salary or hourly wage – which goes a long way to improving an already stressful livelihood. Other options in regard to earnings could be to ask for a raise or just seek out other or extra employment.

Photo by Andre Taissin on Unsplash

It’s all easier said than done – I get it. And I can’t even begin to understand the financial stress some families are suffering from. If these tips above help out just one family in conserving those hard earned dollars or saves a person a few bucks a week, that’s amazing! Every dollar counts!

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