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Final Noom Review

So, a tiny recap! I was given the opportunity to join the Noom affiliate program and in turn was gifted a four month subscription of the ever popular Noom program. These are my closing thoughts on the program with this final Noom review.…

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Nail Colours that Scream Fall

As the mercury begins to fall and the leaves start to change, you may be thinking of transitioning from flowing Summer dresses to comfy Autumn knits! With the wardrobe revamp, also comes the chance to rock some dark and moody nail colours that scream fall!…

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Stress Free Dinner with HelloFresh

Is the question "what's for dinner?" a stressful sore spot in your household? My family recently had the opportunity to try out the meal delivery service trend for a few nights and we were pleasantly surprised! Discover stress free dinner with HelloFresh!…

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With the Help of Poster Store

The average person will spend will spend one third of their lives at work. With this eye opening statistic in mind, I made it my mission to make my 9-5 office more homey, uplifting, and inspiring. Why not when we are at work outside of our home more than not! After being approached by Poster Store to do a collaboration, I thought this was a perfect opportunity to update…

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Neatly by Dew South

My family is gradually making changes to be more eco-friendly; buying second hand, avoiding single use products, not buying bottled water, upcycling and using a clothesline instead of our dryer. We are also swapping out some of our cleaning products for green or zero-waste products. In comes Neatly by Dew South! …

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