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For the Kids

Teaching Kids to Care for Their Skin

As mothers, we carry a huge responsibility to teach crucial life skills and healthy habits to our children. From their ABC's and 123's to their first driving lesson - and all the little *seemingly insignificant* things in between - there is so much to teach the next generation. And these lessons include healthy skincare practices. Here are few tips for teaching kids to care for their skin.…

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Summer Beauty *Survival* Tips

Even though Summer isn't officially here yet - it sure feels like it! Ontario has already seen quite a few days with temperatures well into the thirties and we're just into June. With that being said, our beauty regime may require a refresh for the hot and hazy days ahead. Here are a few Summer beauty *survival* tips for enduring Ontario's summer season.…

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Is Makeup Appropriate for Tweens?

We all remember playing dress-up when we were growing up and even putting on a little dab on mom's lipstick and blush to feel like a big girl! But tweenagers these days don't just want to play around with makeup - they want to wear it out and about. So the battle between mother and young & impressionable daughter begins - is makeup appropriate for tweens?…

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Tween Girl Holiday Gift Guide

Nine tenths of the battle of holiday gift buying is deciphering what exactly it is one's loved ones are into. Having a nine year-old daughter, I struggled with what would be best to put under the tree for her this year. So, for both my own benefit and maybe my readers as well, here is a little tween girl holiday gift guide to help ease a little stress.…

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