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Girl Mom Moments

Is Makeup Appropriate for Tweens?

We all remember playing dress-up when we were growing up and even putting on a little dab on mom's lipstick and blush to feel like a big girl! But tweenagers these days don't just want to play around with makeup - they want to wear it out and about. So the battle between mother and young & impressionable daughter begins - is makeup appropriate for tweens?…

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Mom Hacks For The Win

A mom hack is a short cut, if you will. A method of getting something done but in a more efficient manner. Some of these "Mom hacks" have a delightful side effect - they can make mama happier! We all know, of course, that if mama is happy than the whole family is happy.…

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Tips For Getting Along With Your Tween Daughter

Every stage of a child's development has it's own challenges and it's the teenage years that most parents dread. But that is not always the case. Surprise! The "teenage years" may be creeping up a little sooner than expected - in your nine year-old daughter! Read on for a few tips for getting along with your tween daughter.…

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Will Parenting Ever Get Easier?

As a new parent, staring lovingly into the eyes of your newborn baby, it seems like the moment will never end. Then you blink and suddenly that tiny bundle is a toddler, doodling all over your brand new 75" television with a permanent marker! I know what you're thinking - will parenting ever get easier? Let's get into it.…

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Get to know me

Even though a blog's "About Me" page provides the basic particulars of an author or content creator, there is usually so much more regarding their personality and interests. The little things are what make a relationship and are what folks relate to. So, I've gathered a few personal (but not too personal) questions that will undoubtedly shed some light on who I am and what I'm all about. Let's…

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Mom Quotes & Memes

Being a a kick-ass mom is never easy - I think we can all agree on that! But until you've created your own humans (and are - inevitably - their leader), it's difficult to grasp the complex roller coaster that is parenting. Certainly, there are moments of joy and pride (though few and far between), but there are also the breaking points where you will surely lose your shit. …

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