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Tween Girl Gift Guide

Once kids, especially girls, hit a certain age they inherently get more difficult to shop for - no matter the occasion. With the constant influence from TikTok and Youtube, pre-teens undoubtedly know what's cool and trendy. So to help out with what to buy your tween or teen daughter for their birthday - or Christmas duh! - we've put together this convenient tween girl gift guide. Happy Shopping!…

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20 Funny Mom Quotes That Really Ring True

Motherhood is full of immense joy, laugh-until-you-pee-your-pants humour, and also can be incredibly frustrating at times. But there are the occasional moments of lightheartedness that are laughably relatable to all mothers. Here are 20 funny mom quotes that really ring true.…

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Five Ways Parenting Has Changed Over The Years

Family life looks so different today than it did fifty years ago. Heck, even twenty years ago! Over time, life - and, in turn, parenting - changes. From the ever elusive work-life balance to mom guilt, gentle parenting over reactive parenting - society has put so much pressure on caregivers that we often lose sight of what really matters. Here are five ways parenting has changed over the…

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Mom Hacks For The Win

A mom hack is a short cut, if you will. A method of getting something done but in a more efficient manner. Some of these "Mom hacks" have a delightful side effect - they can make mama happier! We all know, of course, that if mama is happy than the whole family is happy.…

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