Comfort in Repetition

Are you a creature of habit? Do you enjoy spontaneity? Is your schedule go go go?

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My personality and lifestyle answers sometimes to each of these questions.

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I thrive on routines and schedules. I love when plans come up on a whim for a little excitement. At times, we do have a lot on the go.

But this isn’t the norm for me and my family.

We lead pretty simple lives. Most weekends are the same – shopping, play dates, some family get-togethers (few & far-between), and a bit of time outdoors (depending on the weather).

Monday to Friday consists of work / school and then home / sleep – but, to be honest, this works for us.

With the exception of meeting a friend for a drink or coffee (usually while our kids are playing) I kind of find comfort in the repetition of our free-schedule, easy-going day-to-day life.

See The Importance of Mom Friends.

Our daughter doesn’t participate in any extra-curricular activities or sports (only swimming lessons) or belong to any clubs right now. We’ve asked her and she doesn’t show any interest at the moment, nor do we want to force her.

Despite the fact that I sometimes wish that we had a more active social life, to be perfectly honest – I’m happy with the lifestyle we have.

See I am Not a Social Butterfly.

Since we have few commitments, I’m free to go for a run in the evening or do a workout at home, go to the library with our daughter (which we usually do every week), or just sit my ass on the couch!

While I love trying out a new recipe (which my family is all for) and changing up the weekly menu, we usually rotate the same dinners from week to week. Depending on the season of course, we customarily stick to the same proteins, sides, and veggies.

Even though we enjoy watching the newest movie release or latest TV series, we generally stick to the same weekly shows and timeless flicks.

Our seven year-old will go through a phase of LOVING a certain movie and we will have to watch it countless times until we know the script from memory.

Though this can be a little annoying and monotonous, I’m really no better! I can watch the same movie over and over and over! Man on Fire (Denzel, hello!), anything with Patrick Swayze, and all of the Nicolas Sparks inspired films – just to name a few. I find solace and familiarity in movies I know by heart!

When we go shopping (which is practically every weekend – hence the spending freeze this month!) we typically go to one of three cities – London, Goderich (though it’s really more of a town!), or Stratford. Whether we need anything or not, we usually shop EVERY WEEKEND (more often than not). This isn’t a shopping obsession (my addiction is online purchases), but more of an excuse to get out of the house.

See March 2019 Goals – Spending Freeze.

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Even though we don’t have a full calendar or dedicated commitments, we do enjoy getting out of the house in our free time. Shopping is just an excuse!

Sure we plan a couple of weekend outings throughout the year. And, beginning last year, we resumed our yearly Kawartha cottage trip.

To be truthful, we are not excessive travelers. We have no interest in visiting Mexico or Jamaica to sit on a beach and get drunk on the all-inclusive bar. We don’t even have our passports to cross the border!

Typical family destinations, like Disney or Marineland, are not in our plans. First off, our daughter is too young to retain the memories of the visits to these wonderful resorts!

I have visited Disney, Toronto Zoo, African Lion Safari (which we did two years ago), Marineland, Wonderland, the list goes on – but I don’t remember any of them! We have photos and my family tells me stories, but I have zero recall of what their talking about.

Friends and family we know took their kids to these resorts when their kids were so young and I feel that it’s a waste because they will likely never even hold onto the memories. It’s more for the parents than the kids and that’s not how I feel it should be.

Besides, our daughter has a phobia of mascots! She has a sincere fear of people dressed up those cute fluffy costumes! If she saw Mickey Mouse, she would lose her shit! When we were visiting African Lion Safari, we saw the friendly-looking lion mascot. He was a distance from us, but she refused to go back into the park. We had to go home!

Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash

So, I’m content with how we live!

Right now I’m relaxing on the couch, sipping a cup of tea, and finishing this post! Nothing major happened today. We didn’t do anything special. Just spent the day together getting groceries, decluttering, playing a bit, and enjoying the day together as a family.


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