I’m Still on The Pill!

I turned 40 in January. I am 40 years-old and I AM STILL ON THE PILL.

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Over the past few years we discussed, in depth, about whether we wanted to have more children.

There were a lot of “IF” statements in our talks over the years.

  • If we were younger when we had our first – then maybe
  • If we were guaranteed a boy – then maybe
  • If you’re (hubby) going to stay home and rear the child – then maybe

Personally, I was adamant on not wanting anymore children, so I left the ball in his court to take action and get snipped.

Three years later … he’s finally taking the steps to close the baby factory!

Without my knowledge, he began the process last week! Doctor visit, blood tests, urine sample, referral – the whole kit-and-caboodle!

I was ecstatic when he told me! I had actually considered getting my tubes tied because he was taking so long to get this done!


Over the past few months, I’ve been googling like not tomorrow – the effects, reactions, outcome, upside and downside – of being on the pill for as long as I have.

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Is it healthy to be on the pill at the age of 40?

I’ve was originally prescribed the pill shortly after I first started getting my period (due to inconsistency) in my early teens. And to be perfectly honest, I have not had any troubles while taking them (touch wood).

With the exception of when we were trying to conceive and during pregnancy and nursing – I’ve been on the pill for more that 25 years!

Some of the side-effects I read about are awful!

  • Bleeding throughout your cycle (like, extra periods!)
  • Weight gain
  • Migraines
  • Mood swings (as if we’re not moody enough!)
  • Tender Breasts
  • Decreased libido

Thankfully, I really did not experience any of these symptoms – until recently.

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The past few months I have gain an excess amount of weight, my sex drive is non-existent, and I’ve just not been regular ME.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not blaming this change in my body solely on my birth control. There are other factors that I’ve discovered and I’m taking steps to help repair, as well as incorporating more physical activity.

But I do feel that getting off the pill will help me tremendously!

The count down is on (probably a few months at least) that I can be contraceptive free!

What I’m feeling right now is pure …

Photo by Preslie Hirsch on Unsplash

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