Life is hectic! In time, something (or someone) will always fall to the wayside. That is what is currently occurring in my universe and it’s about time for to make some changes and learn to prioritize.
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(verb) Designate or treat (something) as more important than other things “prioritize your credit card debt”. Determine the order for dealing with (a series of items or tasks) according to their relative importance “age affects the way people prioritize their goals”.
Definitions from Oxford Languages
To be honest, a good portion of everyday life needs to be prioritized in some way or another. From the time one gets out of bed to the moment their head hits the pillow at the end of the day, itemizing the day’s tasks and actions is a huge value – dare I say a crucial essential.
It’s not about “having” time, it’s about making time.
Ordinary responsibilities are often scheduled – or prioritized! From setting your morning alarm to planning what’s for supper. Organizing a get together for friends or booking an oil change.
Here are a few helpful hints and suggestions that I too will be utilizing.
Prioritize Family
Top of the list and the first (for me, anyways) to be neglected. Loving one’s family would never be questioned. However making family a priority can be trying at times.
Conflicting work schedules, visiting friends, and all the crap that has to get done can often interfere with making memories with the fam. Here are a few ideas on how to overcome this particular hurdle.

- Actually schedule family time! Mark it on the calendar or set a reminder in your phone. Family game night on Tuesdays! Outdoor adventure Saturday! Movie night!
- Designate certain days of the week as “family only time”. Discuss the plans for the week so everyone is on the same page.
- Plan, plan, plan. Have something to look forward to! Start browsing online for ideas on what to do a couple of weeks ahead of time. Make reservations if needed and commit to an activity or event.
Prioritize Self Care
Gotta look out for number one! I am a big believer in the importance of prioritizing self care – especially for working mothers. Full-time working mothers (parents, actually) have to turn off work mode and turn on mom mode in the blink of an eye.
Making time for one’s self is really imperative because others are counting on you for support. Even if you only have a short period of time – take it.

- Got 10 minutes?! Go for a walk or bike ride around the block. Have a quick shower to cool off. Down a glass of wine on the deck while no one is looking.
- Half hour to spare?! Do a mani/pedi or face mask. Go for a quiet solo ice cream run. Complete a few sun salutations and meditate.
- Kids away at Grandma’s for the night?! Woohoo, time to party! Go out for dinner with your significant other. Call the girls and arrange a get together. Take a long hot bath and go to bed early and read.
Prioritize Health and Well Being
Now, please note, that health and well being is not the same as self care. This heading sums up one’s physical, spiritual, and mental health – which is not to be confused with self care.
Health and well being encompasses exercise, nutrition, sanity, and one’s overall balance.

- Slate time for a workout. Doesn’t have to be long – even just thirty minutes. Youtube is a great resource for FREE workouts if you’re stuck for a routine. Don’t overthink it – just move.
- Plan the week’s meals and shopping list. Take the guesswork out of the workweek’s dinners and brainstorm new ideas for the weekend.
- Talk to someone. Getting all your pent up stress out in the open is really important. Setting up a chat session with a non-judgemental outside party makes the process much more comfortable.
- Turn it off! Leave work at the office and let the household stresses stay at home. Separating home life and your 9-5 grind is super important not only for you, but also for your family, allowing you to give your undivided attention.

Prioritize Household Duties
No matter how you slice it – there is always shit that has to get done at home. Laundry, yard work, toilets, floors, the attic and playroom – not to mention home renos.
Related Post: Teamwork At Home
But, let’s be honest here. A person doesn’t want to spend all their free time scrubbing, organizing, and painting!

- Don’t make the to-do list too lengthy and unrealistic. If a reno is in order, keep in simple and work on one room at a time.
- Refrain from trying to do everything. If the dusting doesn’t get done this month – who cares?!! Letting the weeds get a little out of control will not result in death. Let it go!
- Many hands make light work! Kids like to help and it’s good for them to understand the responsibility of chores.
Prioritize Your Relationship
Relationships take a lot of work and marriage seems to always be evolving. Making a point to communicate with one another, work as a team and show appreciation for each other – every. single. day.

- Show affection. This affection does not have to be sexual. A gentle arm touch, a pat on the bottom, a warm embrace, or snuggle on the couch shows your significant other that you love and acknowledge them.
- Make time for sex! Even if you’re not ready for bed – go to bed! Sneak a little hanky panky in while your daughter’s in the shower (guilty)!
- Kiss each other good night.
- Tell your spouse you love them.
Teach Your Kids to Prioritize
Right now, my daughters only priority is fucking YouTube! It is streamed on our televisions, her tablet and ipod – relentlessly! Mind you, we do not limit screen time because I love my sanity, but children need to learn and appreciate the importance of responsibility and what takes priority.

- Start giving the kiddos chores from a young age. As mentioned above, kids love to help! So issuing a to-do list for them will teach some accountability.
- Set clear limits and expectations. Weekday mornings are the worst for me because I always seem to be rushing. Predetermined duties for my daughter really help to get things moving. NO TV OR IPOD ON WEEKDAY MORNINGS!! Dressed – hair – breakfast – teeth – feed cat & fish – get pre-made lunch in backpack – shoes – GO!
- Give them an incentive! “If we can get the playroom cleaned up quickly, than we will have time to go to the park!” Providing a “reward” for managing their time well gives them an extra boost. This also helps to teach a child that “work” comes before “play”.
Take Note
There is never any shame is creating a reminder for your priorities. It can be helpful to reference the list in order to prioritize the important tasks and hopefully accomplish the whole list.

- Jot it down on a post-it, the family calendar, a day-timer, a journal, or just a scrap piece of paper. Stick it on the fridge so every one can contribute.
- Set a reminder in your phone. Go as far as to have an alarm go off at the time in which you plan to complete said task!
- Download an app. There are endless apps for just this purpose! Try Monday, Smartsheet, Wunderlist, Todoist, or Google Keep!
- Invest in a fun chalkboard, dry-erase board, or bulletin board! Choose something that fits with your home decor or your family’s pastime. Or create your own to suit your family’s specific needs!
Prioritizing is extremely necessary for your family, your home, your career, and most importantly for YOU! Life can be overwhelming! Unfortunately, changes are inevitable, but if you learn to prioritize than nothing will be left out.

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