Local Haunts

Do you believe in ghosts? The paranormal? Spirits who haven’t crossed over? Whether you buy into the folklore or not, you have to admit that stories of haunted properties and unexplained activity are intriguing. This kind of gets me curious about the reportedly haunted locales in our area of Ontario. Here are a few local haunts to investigate or visit – if you dare!

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The Grand Theater in London, Ontario

Grand Theatre – London, Ontario

Owned as part of a chain of theaters, the Grand Theater in London, belonged to Ambrose J. Small. Mr. Small was anxious to sell his collection of theaters – rather quickly – and mysteriously disappeared the very day that the sale was set to be finalized. With no real explanation for the hasty decision to sell off his holdings, there are even more unanswered questions regarding his disappearance.

It is rumored that the ghost of Mr. Small has been reported at his flagship theatre, The Grand Theater in London, Ontario. He has reportedly been seen hovering above audiences during performances and frequenting the balcony and catwalks overhead.

Ambrose J. Small left behind a fortune and to this very day, his fate remains unknown.

Donnelly Homestead in Lucan, Ontario

One of the most notorious and allegedly haunted places in Ontario is the Donnelly Homestead outside the small town of Lucan Ontario. Located north of London, the Donnelly Homestead was the site of multiple murders that took place more than 140 years ago.

The Donnelly family, who immigrated from Ireland to Canada in 1800s, were attacked by an angry mob, after ongoing fueds, leaving five members of the family dead. The Donnelly farm was burned to the ground following the slaughter and no one was convicted of the crime.

Donnelly Homestead – Lucan, Ontario

It is reported that the ghosts of the Donnelly family frequent the site of their home on Roman Line, as well as a lady who rides by on the anniversary of the massacre. Footsteps can be heard in the old Donnelly barn, as well as unexplained touching. Lucan is home of the Area Heritage & Donnelly Museum and there were many books written on the Donnelly family and subsequent murders.

Huron Historic Gaol in Goderich, Ontario

A must-stop on any visit to Ontario’s West Coast, the Huron Historic Gaol (jail) in Goderich does not disappoint. This supposedly haunted historical site is one that I have actually visited with my family on multiple occasions. Hailed as one of Ontario’s unique jails, this octagonal-shaped jail operated from 1841 – 1972.

Huron Historic Gaol – Goderich Ontario

Personally, I have not heard or sensed anything unusual while touring the multiple levels of the Huron Historic Gaol, but there have been reports of uneasy feelings, unexplained sounds and footsteps, and cold spots throughout the property.

Canada’s last public execution was held at the Huron Historic Gaol in December of 1869. Convicted and later acquitted of the murder of 14 year old Lynne Harper, Steven Truscott awaited execution at this location in 1959 until his transfer.

Huron County Museum

Have you discovered or visited any local haunts in your area? Are there any spooky tales linked to historical sites in your home town? All it takes is a quick google search to find out if that creepy mansion at the end of your street has reported paranormal activity!

Be sure to check out these local haunts in Southwestern Ontario! They do not disappoint!

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