Learning from Blogtober

The ongoing demand of blogging and content creation calls for an abundance of drive on its own. However, taking on the challenge of Blogtober is a whole other story altogether. Over the past three years, I’ve become quite well-versed in many aspects of blogging, but an expert I am not. Educating one’s self in the fine art of content creative is never ending! Here’s what I am learning from Blogtober.

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Blogging can be fun!

When I first started blogging, it was really enjoyable! But after three years, the pleasantness kind of disappeared. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy my side gig, the process just started to become more tedious. Since writing and creating a new blog post each and every day in October – the delight and joy of content creation has been reignited!

Related Post: My First Blogtober

Don’t get me wrong, Blogtober was still challenging! But in a different way. The challenge, I feel, is more of an internal provocation for the writer – as a creator, educator, entertainer, and influencer. A test of limits and perseverance.

Invest in yourself.

Accepting the challenge was the first step to reinvesting in myself. Learning and growing are all advancements to further market oneself and it’s staggering the amount of shit we – as bloggers and content creators – need to comprehend. Writing and publishing a new blog post each day really pushes a creator’s limits and helps one zero in on their purpose and passion.

Another important aspect of blogging is to market and advertise. This promotion not only publicizes the article a creator has worked so hard on, but themselves – the writer – as well.

Perfection does not exist.

Sometimes, just getting a post published is an amazing accomplishment. Whether or not it’s contents are ground breaking is kind of moot! That’s not to say that every post is meaningless or a waste, but fine-tuning a piece can be time consuming and sometimes time is precious.

When I first launched Antlers & Eyelashes, it was far from perfect! But after three years of gathering knowledge, my third theme, and a lot of trial and error – my blog looks pretty effing awesome!

There is no end to the creativity in me!

There is so much I want to write about and so much I want to create and share! Reality sucks a little though and I do still have a 9-5 job that actually pays the bills. Having notebooks handy have been a godsend, so when an idea for a blog post or printable comes to mind – I write that shit down for future reference!

The possibilities for a content creator really are endless. And herein lies the problem. My content is still quite scattered and little inconsistent. Again, there is always room for improvement!

My content still needs some fine-tuning.

Lately, I’ve been browsing blogging courses and creators sites where they share tips and tricks of the trade. The niche of Antlers & Eyelashes is not clear enough and I’m working to improve the clarity of what I publish. This task is not easy to fix, but until I can define my content more, I am just going to keep writing and putting out (hopefully) intriguing and relatable work.

What I am learning from Blogtober will continue well past October 31st and far into the future.

If you participated in Blogtober – what, if anything, have you learned? Will you participate again next year?

Drop me a line in the comments.

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