Even though Summer isn’t officially here yet – it sure feels like it! Ontario has already seen quite a few days with temperatures well into the thirties and we’re just into June. With that being said, our beauty regime may require a refresh for the hot and hazy days ahead. Here are a few Summer beauty *survival* tips for enduring Ontario’s summer season.
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Don’t forget your SPF
Without a doubt, sunscreen is a must no matter what the season. But summertime, notably, is the time of year to always apply your SPF. Be sure to check the expiry date and apply twenty to thirty minutes before sun exposure. Also remember to re-apply every two hours or so – especially if you’re swimming or sweating excessively.

Be sure to lather up the kiddos before heading off to school or day care each morning as well.
Simplify your Routine
The term “less is more” never rings more true than in a heat wave! Mind you, no one is saying to stop wearing makeup, but changing up a few items may save a few minutes and let your skin breath a little easier.

- Embrace dual-purpose products, like a tinted moisturizer with SPF.
- Swap out your heavier cream cleanser for a gel or oil based option.
- Read the labels carefully and look for noncomedogenic products. These are products made without pore-clogging ingredients.
- Summer may be the time to add a serum rich in skin-loving vitamins, like Vitamin C, which can help prevent hyperpigmentation.
Make sure your littles are washing off the day before bed as well. It’s important to rinse away the remnants of sunscreen *and sweat* before retiring for the night.
There is a fine line between too much and not enough when it comes to skin exfoliation. Most folks increase the frequency they exfoliate during the Summer months simply because of excess oil production, and in turn, more clogged pores. So, maybe add an extra day of mild scrubbing in the summertime.

Exfoliating does not only apply to your face! Indoor air conditioning and sun exposure can really dry out your skin, so adding a gentle body scrub to your weekly routine never hurts. A mild body exfoliant used once a week can dramatically improve skin tone and remove dead skin cells.
Here’s an easy kid-friendly body scrub you and the kids can make a home!
Protect your Pout
Dry lips are not just a Winter problem! Keeping your pout moisturized in Summer is just as important – if not more so.

- Keep your favourite lip balm handy for regular moisturizing.
- Don’t forget the SPF!
- Add lip exfoliating or brushing to your semi-weekly exfoliating regime.
There are many kid-safe *and parent approved* lip products on the market for youngsters. Check them out here.
Beauty really does come from within – so don’t forget to drink plenty of water and add lots of fruits and vegetables to your meals. Hydrated skin looks and feels so much more full of life!

Kids often don’t drink enough water throughout the day, so help remind them to drink up in the Summer months. Try to encourage your kids to stay hydrated by leading by example, always carrying water *or fresh fruit* on outings, or even buying them a really cool water bottle to drink from.
Stay Covered
If a day on the beach or an outdoor adventure is on the agenda – cover up and stay protected. This not only pertains to sun exposure, but biting insects and unfriendly plant life as well! A rash guard at the beach or water park + light layers and proper footwear on the hiking trail can help protect the whole family from a nasty sunburn and getting eaten alive! Don’t forget your hat and sunglasses!
Summer picnic idea! See the post!
Treat for your Tresses
The Summer months are full of pool parties, splash pad play, and full sun on our noggins! Which, sadly, can wreak havoc on our lovely locks. Help save your precious mane with these curated tips!

- Start the Summer with a ‘do refresh by getting all the dead ends cut! Hair actually grows faster in the Summer, so you may need another trim by Labour Day.
- Shield your hair from the sun by using products that contain UV protection or simply by wearing a hat.
- Switch to a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner in Summer. Due to sweat and sunscreen *and overall grime*, we may be showering more frequently. A moisturizing hair cleansing combo will help with dry and brittle tresses.
- Help fight the frizz with weekly conditioning treatments or hair masks. My ten year-old has insanely thick hair and this hair mask significantly helps. Try these caps to really help the treatment sink in!
- Skip the hot tools. Opt to blow dry on a cooler setting or air dry during the warmer months. You can also try out some of the uber-trending heatless styling tools on the market – like the ones below!
What are your go-to Summer beauty *survival* tips?
The dog-days of Summer aren’t meant to be dreaded – though folks will surely complain about the heat! Hopefully these tips will aid in making this Summer an epic season of fun in the sun – while looking and feeling amazing!
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