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Christmas Colouring Pages

The other night, my daughter was in a colouring mood, but didn't really have anything *inspiring* to colour. She then asked if we could create a few colouring pages like we did before. Sure, why not! We all want to make our children happy, right?! So, we created a set of ten fun Christmas colouring pages! Enjoy!…

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2022 Calendars

There are less than 80 days left in 2021! Hard to believe, right?! With the new year on the horizon, I thought I'd create a couple simple - yet attractive - 2022 calendars. You're welcome!…

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Printables for the Family

Any time of the year can be hectic for a busy family on the go. But summer can be especially chaotic! Sleep away camp, pool parties, day trips, and family gatherings - all on top of full-time work schedules and day-to-day life. This set of downloads was created with the whole household in mind. Check out this set of printables for the family.…

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Set of Llama Colouring Pages

Purchasing colouring books is a thing of the past us! When my daughter wants to colour, she is very specific in what kind of character, graphic, or general theme she is interested in - at that moment. So, instead of browsing online for free printables - I decided to just make a few myself! Check out this set of llama colouring pages I created.…

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