Does your partner do their share of the house work? Or do the duties fall solely on one spouse’s shoulders? Luckily in my home, my husband and I share the responsibilities of all the domestic chores. Where one’s skills may lack, the other picks up the slack! We really do practice teamwork at home – any way we can!
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This past weekend was a prime example. After having a tough week (family and work) a girls day with one of my besties was in dire need. While I was shopping and enjoying the day, my dear husband took our daughter on our weekly grocery run and then proceeded to do the laundry, wash the dishes, and deep clean our microwave!
Gone are the days of fifties-era marriages where the woman did all the housework, cooked, and cared for the children.
After a stressful week and a busy day, the last thing on my mind was housework. But my loving partner took care of the top duties on our chore list! No asking, arguing, or debates regarding who does what! Sh#t just got done!
In some relationships, there may be a division of all of the household chores. Mind you, this may not always be shared equally, but let’s not split hairs here. As long as everything gets done – what does it matter?!
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Share with one another each other’s strong suits. If one partner pays special attention to detail, than the dusting and bathrooms are their responsibility. More physical jobs can go to the stronger partner or can be shared in order to make lighter work. Compromise on the duties that each participant may detest – like cleaning the cat litter.
Nonetheless, share the burden of what has to get done in order to make the whole subject less daunting.
This strategy also applies to cooking and child care. Depending on work shifts, one spouse may be able to have dinner started for when the other arrives home. During those times that one parent has lost all patience, their partner can give their loved one a break. Teamwork at home is a healthy part of what it takes to make a relationship thrive.
As with most aspects of a partnership, there needs to be a little give and take. The same applies to the household chores. This necessary evil, known as cleaning the toilets and cutting the grass, need not be complicated. Teamwork at home, baby! ๐
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