No plans this weekend? Have a day off with nothing in particular on the agenda? Do you have some free time, with little ambition, but still want to get shit done? Here are a few suggestions of things to do when you’re bored to still stay productive.
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Get outdoors. Whether it be a walk around town, a drive in the countryside, or a trail hike in the wilderness – time spent outside in never time wasted.
Do a digital clear out. Go through your phone, laptop, and tablet and clean out any unused files or apps. Organize your photos and files and be sure to clear the cache to optimize the devices’ performance. Don’t forget your email inbox!
Update your resume. The direction some industries (and the economy) are going these days, it wouldn’t hurt to polish up your cover letter and resume – just in case. Update your LinkedIn profile while you’re at it.
Join a fitness class or walking group. Accountability is key, right?!

Grow something. Get yourself some indoor plants to nurture or start a small garden in your yard or on your deck. Be sure it’s easy to maintain or those green babies will just wither!
Search up some seasonal meal ideas – and make them! Social media can be a great resource for trending recipes. Plus this gives you something to post as well!
DIY something. Maybe some custom artwork for your living room or a few homemade photo frames to display your latest pics.
Clean out your kid’s room while they’re at school! Sneaky, right?! The only way to declutter a child’s crap is to do so when they are not around. Fill some garbage bags, donate what they don’t use anymore, and try to sell a few items while you’re at it. The best part is they may not even notice!
Redecorate! Living in the same space can be a little monotonous. Move some furniture around, paint the walls, or thrift some new décor for your home.
Related Post: 50 Ways to Stay Productive
Touch base with a friend or family member you haven’t spoken to in a while. Sometimes just fifteen minutes or so is enough to reconnect and rekindle your relationship.
Give some love to your fur-babies. Brush them, clean their food bowls and such, wash their blankets and toys, and give them some much needed snuggles.
Plan a get-together. Throw a little shin-dig for some close friends, neighbours, and family – just because.
Start a side hustle. There are so many things you can do to earn a few extra bucks here and there. You can make jewelry, crochet adorable little animals or scarves, create a digital download, or sell your gently used clothing on Poshmark.
Give back. Volunteer at a local charity organization or your kids’ school. Or even help out a neighbour.

Review your Amazon purchases. They actually post them and some reviews can be very useful for anyone looking to buy the same item.
Work your body. Throw on a fifteen minute YouTube workout video or swing a kettlebell a few times when you have a little spare time to kill. You never know, this may help you to form a regular habit.
Clean out your file cabinet and organize your important documents. Shred any tax returns that are older than seven years and file your documents accordingly – with labels and everything!
Work on creating a habit. Or stopping a habit! Do you have trouble with procrastination or do you smoke? Create a plan to stop. Are you looking to begin a fitness routine, or want to plan your weekly meals? Devise a plan to start.
Read a book. Get into a new book series – either on paper or on an e-reader. Try a different genre for a change, too.
Take an online course or in-person class. Try your hand at pottery or learn a new language.
Create a budget and clean up your finances. Go through your bank statement and analyse your spending. See if there are places where you can cut a little spending and save up for something pretty.
Try your hand a mixology. Being the friend who makes amazing cocktails is a nice perk!
Download a new app or computer program and learn how to use it. Make sure it’s a useful app, of course! Look up Canva and Lightroom.
Have sex! If your partner is home – nothing beats a nooner!

Make a meal plan for the upcoming week. Plus, write out a grocery list to ensure you have everything you need.
Take a nap.
Do a brain dump. Take a few minutes and just write down everything that’s on your mind – no matter how small it may seem. Things you want to (or need to) do, places and people to see, and tasks you’ve been putting off. Now, categorize this list into things you need to do, things you want to do, and things you have to do. And work on getting it done!
Put on a load of laundry. Let’s face it, there’s always laundry to be done. If it’s a nice day hang it outside to dry!
Throw something out. Whether it’s expired condiments or worn out socks – pitch it. Sometimes this simple task can lead to a much needed project around the house.
Make a plan. It can be for saving money, a vacation, a celebration, or just a weekly chore list. Write that shit down!
Clean. It could be something you don’t clean often because you absolutely hate it – like the oven or the baseboards. But cleaning can be very therapeutic and rewarding!
Pamper yourself. Paint your nails, deep condition your hair, or take an everything shower.

Put shit away. Find a spot to store all the crap on your countertops, tables, and such. If you can’t find a proper home for something, maybe it’s an item you don’t really need. Donate or sell it in order to declutter your home.
Print some photos. Nowadays, the majority of our photos are stowed away on our phones and never get displayed or enjoyed. Even send some to friends and family.
Just do nothing and be bored. Sitting around the house or breathing in the fresh air while sitting on your porch can still be productive. But don’t waste this precious time doom scrolling TikTok!
What are some other things to do when you’re bored to still stay productive?
Share some of your ideas in the comments. Stay productive, friends!
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