50 Ways to Stay Productive

Bored? Find yourself looking for shit to do? When listless hours are consuming your day, it’s good to have a few constructive things to snap you out of the mindless rut. Instead of passing the days away by plopping your ass on the sofa and binge-watching whatever’s trending – get energized! Here are 50 ways to stay productive.

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There is always a time and place for mindlessly watched television, but being productive is much smarter than being lazy. On that point we can all agree! Let’s get to the list!

Pin this list for future reference!

  1. Go for a drive. Put the windows down, crank some good tunes, and get lost in the countryside!

2. Create a new rocking – and inspiring – playlist!

3. Browse social media. Maybe another creators post will inspire a personal project.

4. Listen to an audiobook or podcast. A great idea for your next walkabout or trail hike!

5. Clean out a closet or cabinet. Give a little nod to Marie Kondo and get rid of some overwhelming crap in your life.

6. Workout. Simple, right?! Get it done!

7. Write it down. Create a to-do list and gradually check off all the tasks on your list!

8. Educate yourself. Learn a new skill or brush up on existing know-how.

9. Visit your local library. Check out a book you would never normally read. Like a self help title!

10. Practice a little mindfulness.

11. Do a device clean out.

12. Organize and purge unwanted crap one room in your home.

13. Try a new recipe.

14. Paint a room in your house.

15. Update your address book.

16. Clean out your pantry. Be sure to check expiry dates!

17. Practice a few sun salutations. Namaste!

Photo by kike vega on Unsplash

18. Print off a few photos. Frame the really good ones for a little change in decor.

19. Make something. Try Youtube for a little inspiration. Arm knitting is super easy.

20. Clean your baseboards. These always get forgotten!

21. Plan your next weekend getaway.

22. Have lunch with a friend.

23. Paint your nails.

24. Brush up on your photography skills. Snap a few pics around the house or in your yard.

25. Trim your hair. Or (gasp) add some bangs!

26. Organize your jewelry box.

27. Play solitaire or a board game if you’re not alone.

28. Wash your curtains.

29. Go for a bike ride around town.

30. Bake a batch of chocolate chip cookies. Try our fave recipe!

31. Review your bank statements.

32. Audit your monthly subscriptions and cancel any you no longer use.

33. Make a grocery list.

34. Steam clean your rugs.

35. Plan out the week’s dinner menu.

36. Change the sheets on your bed.

37. Can something! Salsa, jam, pickles – super easy.

38. Dust your livingroom.

39. Make a pot of yummy soup.

40. Give yourself a spa day! Face mask, foot soak, hair treatment – the works!

41. Give the dog a bath.

42. Clean out your sock and underwear drawer. Throw away any holey items!

43. Send a dear friend some flowers.

44. Set some goals achievable for yourself.

45. Do the laundry. Even wash sofa blankets, pillow shams, and small rugs!

46. Call your parents. Just check in to see how they’re doing!

47. Create an IG reel. Though they’re daunting – they can be fun!

48. Sell some of your unwanted stuff online. Facebook marketplace and Poshmark are awesome!

49. Have a video game marathon. Challenge your family to a friendly competition!

50. Take a relaxing bubble bath. You deserve it!

50 Ways to Stay Productive

Got any more ideas for those mind numbingly mundane days?! Hopefully these suggestions will help to pass the time and spark a little fire in your pants to get moving!

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