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Family Fun Close to Home

Here in Ontario, there are only five days left of school. Now the big question every parent is asking each other is - what the heck are we doing for fun this Summer?! Truth be told, we, like most families we know, are not traveling far this upcoming Summer. So we're turning to local attractions and searching for family fun close to home. …

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Summer Beauty *Survival* Tips

Even though Summer isn't officially here yet - it sure feels like it! Ontario has already seen quite a few days with temperatures well into the thirties and we're just into June. With that being said, our beauty regime may require a refresh for the hot and hazy days ahead. Here are a few Summer beauty *survival* tips for enduring Ontario's summer season.…

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Conserving Those Hard Earned Dollars

How are Canadians - and other nations - dealing with this unprecedented inflation?! Outrageous gas rates, food prices, and overall costs of living have increased exponentially! Even though my household brings in a healthy income, we are watching our spending in order to avoid feeling the pinch. …

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DIY Christmas Gift Ideas

Thinking about the impending holidays that are fast approaching? Contemplating what type of gift to give all your loved ones? This year, instead of shopping for family and friends - in the traditional sense - opt to make them something that is truly from the heart! Here are some creative DIY Christmas gift ideas for everyone on your list.…

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