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Tips For Getting Along With Your Tween Daughter

Every stage of a child's development has it's own challenges and it's the teenage years that most parents dread. But that is not always the case. Surprise! The "teenage years" may be creeping up a little sooner than expected - in your nine year-old daughter! Read on for a few tips for getting along with your tween daughter.…

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Christmas Colouring Pages

The other night, my daughter was in a colouring mood, but didn't really have anything *inspiring* to colour. She then asked if we could create a few colouring pages like we did before. Sure, why not! We all want to make our children happy, right?! So, we created a set of ten fun Christmas colouring pages! Enjoy!…

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Periods in the Past

Gasp!  Talking about periods is totally taboo!  But, why?  Women endure a monthly menstrual cycle typically from the age of about twelve until they're well into their fifties.  That’s an average of about forty years of regular periods – not including when they stop during pregnancy!  Let’s educate (and maybe entertain) ourselves a little here and take a peek into how women dealt with their periods in the past.…

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Will Parenting Ever Get Easier?

As a new parent, staring lovingly into the eyes of your newborn baby, it seems like the moment will never end. Then you blink and suddenly that tiny bundle is a toddler, doodling all over your brand new 75" television with a permanent marker! I know what you're thinking - will parenting ever get easier? Let's get into it.…

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DIY Christmas Gift Ideas

Thinking about the impending holidays that are fast approaching? Contemplating what type of gift to give all your loved ones? This year, instead of shopping for family and friends - in the traditional sense - opt to make them something that is truly from the heart! Here are some creative DIY Christmas gift ideas for everyone on your list.…

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Self care Sunday

Sunday is often referred to as the day of rest and is, undoubtedly, the precursor to the coming week. Which is one good reason why Sunday is the ideal day for a little bit of self care. Keep in mind, though, that self care is more than just a quick manicure and reading a chapter or two of the latest self help book. Together, let's explore some productive and…

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