Creating A Weekday Morning Routine

There is evidence that having a set morning routine that you follow daily can have a truly positive effect on your day – and even your life. Yet most folks don’t actually have a day-to-day morning (or evening) ritual. It’s important to start the day off on the right foot. Especially those hectic weekday mornings! So here are a few tips for creating a weekday morning routine – with working mamas specifically in mind.

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What are some benefits of having a morning routine?

Beginning your day with a proactive mindset – as opposed to reactive – can have the effect of putting you and your priorities in the driver’s seat from the very get go. A solid AM routine can have a practical effect in specific areas of your well-being as well.

  • Mental Health. Implementing a daily routine helps to limit the stress of rushing and worrying about getting out the door in time. Eliminating a little anxiety in the early hours of the day can snowball (in a good way) throughout the rest of your day.
  • Increase in Productivity. Blocking time for all the shit that needs to get done has the wonderful side-effect of creating time for all the shit you want to get done.
  • Boost of Willpower. Willpower gradually crashes as the day rolls on. A solid morning routine can help preserve one’s willpower by creating more time to do things (like workout) and may actually help to a person resist temptation later in the day.

Before you run off and begin developing this amazing checklist or try to create the ultimate morning custom – stop and take a minute. Take a minute to think and conclude that this big magical change is not going to happen overnight. Be realistic in your approach, for goodness sake! Otherwise you’re setting yourself up for failure.

Start the night before

No one is going to have a super-awesome morning if they don’t get enough shut-eye. A good night’s sleep has the same benefits of a morning routine – you’re likely to be less stressed and more productive when your body (and mind) has had enough rest. Getting the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep will help set you up for a potentially successful morning routine.

Not everyone is a morning person

Not all successful people have these great morning routines. And not having a morning routine doesn’t mean that you can’t be successful. Perhaps introducing a small evening routine, accompanied by a few morning habits is enough to create optimal productivity and ease the rush. You need to do what works for you and your unique life.

One size does not fit all

There is no general template for creating a successful morning routine. What may work for one person could be an absolute disaster for another. A morning (or evening) custom should be designed around a person’s specific schedule, circumstances, and day-to-day needs.

One must determine the maximum (and realistic) window of time that they have each morning. What time is crunch time on weekday mornings in your home? This time frame is where *and how* you will structure the routine that best suits your family’s needs for your supreme overall productivity and well-being.

Morning routine basics

Photo by THE 5TH on Unsplash
  • Set your alarm and try to get your ass out of bed consistently at the same time every day. Even on the weekends! Do your best to avoid hitting the snooze button, too.
  • Avoid electronics first thing. Checking your email or scrolling Instagram can throw you off schedule and initiate unwanted anxiety.
  • Make your bed. This simple task is so satisfying and offers such an easy sense of accomplishment.
  • Hydrate. Drinking water after rising perks you up both mentally and physically.
  • Eat something. Anything. Even if you’re not a breakfast person, noshing on a piece of toast or a yogurt cup goes a long way in improving your mood and energy levels.
  • Take a few minutes for yourself. A little self care goes a long way. Complete the days Wordle, listen to a podcast, or do a quick yoga flow. Even five minutes is enough!
  • Check your to-do list. Planning for the day takes priority in order to avoid surprises. Confirm whether your family has any appointments or the kids have a spirit day.

Start the day with the task you are most dreading

Why put off the one chore you look forward to the least? By getting your least favorite task done first, you’re sure to actually complete it. Waiting until later in the day may mean not getting something done. Don’t procrastinate! Get your workout in or do your homework first thing before all your willpower is gone.

Stay consistent

They say it typically takes a person three weeks to form a habit. But for some it can take a lot longer. The most important thing to to remain diligent and before too long your routine will become second nature.

Track it

Give yourself a little check mark on the calendar or fun sticker on the days you’ve completed your morning routine. Seeing your consistent progress is encouraging and help you keep up the habit.

Give yourself grace

Never expect perfection and don’t beat yourself up if you fall off the wagon here and there. There will be slip-ups along the way – and that’s fine. Just get back into the habit the next day and carry on. If you find you’re having trouble staying on track, perhaps a little editing in your routine is needed in order to reignite a little joy in the process.

Related Post: Mom Hacks for the Win

How do kids benefit from routine?

Routines are good for children and support their growth and development. Children with regular routines learn to self-regulate which is important for their mental health. This is important, not only in school, but at home as well. Though these skills are not learned overnight, children build on their knowledge gradually during each life stage.

Photo by Mark Zamora on Unsplash
  • Implementing a morning and evening routine can help ease the power struggle. Tasks like brushing teeth, taking vitamins, and sitting down to breakfast can take a little pressure off mom and dad having to be the bad guy.
  • Habits teach kids to take care of their own shit. Tasks such as packing their lunch bag, putting their dishes in the sink, and picking up their dirty laundry instill independence. Giving a kid a little liberty goes a long way!
  • Kids can thrive when they’re on a schedule. Eating dinner at a regular hour and heading to bed at a consistent time create a expected – and comforting – routine.
  • Schedules and routines can help parents set and maintain expectations. A family with healthy – and realistic – habits are less likely to snap! When simple things, like screen time, are no longer a constant fight, parents don’t have to give in because of the rules and routines they’ve implemented for the household.

Do you have a morning routine? Are you looking into creating a weekday morning routine?

Hopefully these little tips and suggestions will help in developing an amazingly productive AM ritual for you and your family. I’ll be implementing some of these useful ideas myself!

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    April 16, 2022 at 6:01 am

    Great tips! I’m guilty of checking social media first thing in the morning. It kind of sets the wrong tone for the day, yet I still do it …

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