Goal Getter!

Personally, I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions. They’re often unattainable and set one up for failure and disappointment. Purposeful goals and healthy intentions, however, are realistic – encouraging even! It may sound cliche, and even though it hasn’t started out wonderfully, 2022 is turning me into a goal getter!

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Set your goals and make them happen!

Talk is cheap! And often a waste of time and energy. Take action, make a plan, and achieve your mission! Whether you’re looking to set a fitness personal best, climb the corporate ladder, or perfect your baking skills – honing in on one’s passions while growing and learning can be one of the most fulfilling aspects of life. Go get it!

Identify what you want to accomplish! I’ll go first!

Personal Goals

  • Drink less! My alcohol intake has really getting out of hand lately. So I’m saving my booze consumption for weekends only.
  • Get more active. My ass is not getting any smaller and I’m feeling the weight of my lack of physical activity! Since I have a desk job, it’s important to counteract that sedentary time with a little bit of body movement.
  • Schedule more couple time. And, yes, that includes SEX! We, like most couples, go through dry spells. Making more time for intimacy is important.
  • Let go of the clutter! We’ve been cleaning out cabinets and organizing closets around the house and it feels so good to let go of all the shit we don’t use – and don’t need!
  • Procrastinate less. This is a biggie for me! I’m the worst for “getting around to it”. Whether it’s finishing painting our kitchen or putting the laundry away – putting off jobs and delaying deadlines has to stop!
Making a plan!

Side Hustle & Content Creator Goals

  • Reach 1k Instagram followers!
  • Step out of my comfort zone with creating social media content. Bring on the IG Reels!
  • Hone in on my niche.
  • Post more consistently – across all platforms – especially on my blog!
  • Work on my photography more. Stock images has its place, but socials get more engagement with custom pics.
  • Monetize. Everything! I’m setting a goal to make $2000 through brand collabs and sponsored content before the end of the year.
  • Discover something awesome to sell! Digital downloads, templates – whatever!!

Be sure to make note of all the goals you want to achieve. Whether you jot them all down in a journal, create an encouraging vision board, or set reminders in your phone – but keep it visible. Post your list on the fridge or in your office – anywhere that you will see it regularly in order to keep working at it.

Plan of Action

Setting a goal without an action plan is like showing a kid a bowl of candy and than telling them they can’t have it! Determining how to meet your goals should include all the steps you need to complete in order to reach success. Get creative with your action plan! Here are a few suggestions.

Photo by STIL on Unsplash
  • Vision Board. Make it colourful, encouraging, and in your face!
  • Try an App like Strides or Weekdone.
  • Spreadsheets.
  • Journal.
  • Printable Planner.

While devising your action plot, be sure to break down each of your objectives.

  • Find your WHY.
  • Develop your action plan in realistic stages.
  • Prioritize your goals by importance and achievability.

Set Deadlines

A timeline generates a sense of urgency! This helps make staying on track and crossing the finish line more attainable and stresses importance of each goal. Since some goals take longer to accomplish, prioritizing is important. Beginning work on larger goals, while tackling small successes in between, may make the process a little less daunting – and so much more rewarding!

Health related goals – like drinking more water – are relatively simple to follow on the reg. While a task such as learning a new language may require more focused attention over a longer period of time. Try this approach to setting deadlines for goals!

  • Make a list. Cross off your daily (or otherwise) achievements for added positivity – and productivity!
  • Schedule time. Uninterrupted time allows you to be more constructive.
  • Make small changes. Habit is everything when it comes to reaching goals. Tiny adjustments can increase focus and help you stay on target.
  • Recognize your own limits. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Burn out is a real bummer and can hinder your progress. Taking a break does not equate to giving up.

Okay, Get at it!

You’ve talked the talk – now it’s time to walk the walk! Remember – one step at a time until you have reached your goal.

Don’t be afraid to assess your progress along the way and possibly re-evaluate your plan. Motivation is important and small scheduling changes and minor tweaks in the end game can be the push needed to succeed. Whether you’re behind on a few steps or ahead of schedule, make the required adjustments and keep on truckin’!

Related Post: End of Year Goals for Bloggers

Goal Getter! I believe in you (and me)!

Even though this process may sound daunting, the act of setting goals can help make success come faster and more effectively. Setting goals can help feed your passion and even turn you into a productivity wizard! Hopefully this process will help you set some goals of your own! Go get it, goal getter!

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