Tween Girl Holiday Gift Guide

Who’s started their Christmas shopping? And who is already done their holiday shopping? Lastly, who is having trouble figuring out what to buy every one on their list? Yep, I feel you there! Nine tenths of the battle of holiday gift buying is deciphering what exactly it is one’s loved ones are into. Having a nine year-old daughter, I struggled with what would be best to put under the tree for her this year. So, for both my own benefit and maybe my readers as well, here is a little tween girl holiday gift guide to help ease a little stress.

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We all have too much stuff!

Surely, most parents will agree that our children have way too much stuff! Society nowadays is all about how much crap one can accumulate and, frankly, it’s exhausting – not to mention a total waste of money! Kids – and people in general – have way too much of everything. To be honest, our household is no different! It feels as though there are weekly trips being taken to our local thrift store – donating unwanted clothing, home decor, toys, and housewares.

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Recently, we cleaned out a slew of toys, clothes, and assorted other items our daughter has outgrown. It felt so good to get these nonessential materials out of our house! We sold some, donated a few, and passed on others to friends and neighbours who may enjoy them. After this healthy purge, we decided to not go overboard with Christmas gifts this year, and only buy a few items instead.

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Tweens are difficult to buy for!

Small children are fun to buy for! Get them a cool Lego set, a teddy bear, or a board game – and they’re happy as hell! As kids get older, however, their interests and entertainment get more and more specific – and expensive! This is what we are running into with our daughter. Since she has no real hobbies – besides Roblox, TikTok, and Youtube – gift giving is a challenge.

So, Christmas 2021 will be a little different. We’re talking downsized, humble, and certainly not over-the-top! A recent Instagram post from a very influential Canadian mama really resonated with me and sparked a new (and awesome) rule of thumb for Christmas shopping for kids: Something they want, something they need. Something to wear, something to read. So simple and yet so fucking perfect!

Thus, based on this amazing concept, here are a few gift suggestions specifically for tween girls!

Something they want

As the holidays approach, every time our girl asks for something (that she doesn’t need) we tell her to put it on her Christmas list. I actually placed a notebook and pen on our kitchen table for just this purpose! A want is a wish or a desire. A want is something fun and a little extraordinary. And, usually, wants are not cheap! Since vowing to downsize in the volume of gifts this year, we don’t mind spending a little more on an item she really wants!

Something they need

Needs are essential and necessary, but even must-have items can be fun! Instead of buying just any lamp for a kid’s room, opt for a more funky style that fits with a child’s personality! Splurge on a higher end brand of snow pants or skates this year. Turn a useful or required article into something really exciting!

Something to wear

With how quickly kids are growing (ours is anyways) there is always a use for some new attire. But instead of buying the same old brands and styles they wear regularly – get them something fun and different! I found the most adorable pair of Ugg slippers for our daughter! She needs new and durable slippers, so why not gift her a cool pair that will actually last a while?!!

Something to read

Reading is something we really encourage in our home. I read nearly every night before bed and our daughter’s interest in books has really increased over the past few months. The first item posted below is something we bought our daughter a couple of years ago – and we’ve read almost the whole collection together! Adding timeless book titles to our girl’s reading shelf is important to me. Something she can enjoy for years to come!

!! Stocking Stuffer Ideas !!

Has this tween girl holiday gift guide been helpful?!

Hopefully, you’ve found these items useful and maybe sparked some creative Christmas gift ideas of your own! The struggle is real – I understand! Drop any more gift ideas in the comments that I or someone else may find valuable!

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Happy shopping friends!

Canadian friends – click below!

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  • Reply
    November 22, 2021 at 6:41 am

    Hay, you give us some very important piece of information. Well done. keep it up.

    • Reply
      November 22, 2021 at 11:14 am

      Thank you!

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