Work From Home Survival Guide

Round three of remote learning began in Ontario last week. Of course, the reasoning is completely understandable, but the news was still frustrating as hell. Luckily, my 9-5 employer has made it possible to work from home while online schooling is in place. Challenging does not even begin to describe the last few days! So to celebrate the end of week one of WFH/remote learning, I’m sharing what I’ve deemed – my work from home survival guide!

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Keep your morning routine consistent

It’s important to follow the same daily week-day schedule in order to keep some sense of normalcy to life.

  • Wake up at your usual week day time.
  • Shower, get dressed, and do your hair and makeup as usual.
  • Enjoy your morning coffee and a healthy breakfast to prepare you for the day.
  • Get the kids going as well! They, too, can get up, dressed, and ready for their day of online learning.

Have healthy snacks easily accessible

This is not only important for the kids, but for mom as well! The kiddos won’t be constantly bugging you while you’re trying to work because they can grab a quick pick-me-up and head back to remote learning.

  • Easy to grab apples and bananas, plus some veggies washed and cut up.
  • Hummus or sour cream dip and a few chips are a super healthy option to fill the void.
  • Bake some granola bars, wholesome cookies, or muffins for a quick grab snack.

Be realistic with your productivity expectations

Please remember, you’re not super-mom! Working from home while your kids are schooling remotely is no easy task. Trying to concentrate on your own work while simultaneously keeping an ear on what the kids are doing takes multi-tasking to a whole new level.

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  • Set your goals for the day by completing only a few important to-do items.
  • Add an auto-response to your emails to communicate that you will respond within a reasonable time frame.
  • Don’t overwhelm yourself and just do what you comfortably accomplish.

Take a break outdoors

When the kids take a screen break – join them! Just like being in the office, one needs to step away from their desk. Getting outside, even for a short break, is a great way to reset and refresh!

  • Take phone calls on the move! Talk while you get outside for a refreshing walk.
  • Go for a quick bike ride with the kids.
  • Enjoy lunch out on the deck or go for a quick picnic!

Practice a little self care regularly

At the end of the day – just turn it off! Turn off the computer, close the files, and step away. Enjoy some much needed family time away from the screens! Staring at a screen all day is exhausting in itself, but trying to concentrate on work with the kids home as well is really challenging. Be sure to take a little time for yourself after a long and tiring day!

  • Breathe deep and do a few sun salutations.
  • Go for a solo run or walk with only your thoughts (or some rockin’ tunes)!
  • Take a long hot bath and just unwind.
Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

As stated above, I’m only beginning my work from home journey (hopefully the kids will be returning to in person learning soon) and by no means am I an expert on the subject. But if even one mama can relate to my little work from home survival guide and it helps her get through the day – I’m happy!

We’ll all get through this crazy time and be even more fabulous because of it!

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