Nine Pieces of Advice for My Younger Self

It is said that hindsight is 20/20 and I’m sure a lot of folks would love to go back in time and change a few curves in their path to adulthood. We’d all like the opportunity to grab our younger self and shake some sense into her. Here are a few tidbits of support and encouragement that I’d pass along to my twenty-something year-old self.

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Speak up!

You have a mind and voice – use it! You want to do some extra curricular activities, go out with friends, or just sit on your ass and watch TV? Than use your voice and say what you want. Don’t let others speak for you and make your decisions.

Don’t be so critical (of yourself and others)

Honey, you’re never going to look like the women in the magazines you’re reading and that’s ok. You’re enough. Just as you are. And so is everyone else. If a family member or friend is spending too much money or can’t hold down a job – it’s not your problem. Let others live the way they choose (even if it’s a bad choice) and you live your own life.

Take a risk

Have a little confidence in yourself and in others around you. Have faith that others will be kind and good. Not everyone is going to sabotage you. Follow your dreams and take the plunge now and again. It may blow up in your face (in which case you learn something) or you may succeed beyond your wildest dreams (in which case you learn and you grow even further). Simply take a chance on something.

Defend yourself

Don’t be a door mat – for anybody. Never let family, friends, coworkers, or anyone push you around or try to tell you what to do. Grow a backbone and argue your point if you feel passionate about something. Don’t be afraid to have an opinion, a thought, an idea, or an argument. You’ll only regret what you keep to yourself.

There is no shame in asking for help

It takes a lot of guts to admit you need help or have a problem. You don’t need to suffer in silence or alone. Help is just a phone call away. Depression is not something to be ashamed of. This dark part of your life will make you a much stronger and more confident woman. Keep fighting.

Discover your passion

You have many talents and attributes. Use them and share them. Don’t suffer in your own boredom. Do something with your time and stick with it.

Don’t lose touch

Be sure to keep in touch with friends and family that you have a strong connection with. I’m not talking about an obligation to communicate with certain people in your life. I mean those who you have crossed paths with who have had a positive impact and who you are and what makes you happy.

Travel a bit

Go alone or go with a friend. But take some time to see the world – or a least a little piece of it. Go sit on a beach somewhere, tour a museum abroad, or visit the West Coast. Just get out and experience other places before adulting gets the best of you.

Try not to give up so easy

Commitment is not your strong suit. Persevere through the tough stuff and stick with your challenges to reach your goals. Strive for success in everything you do and stop throwing in the towel when the going gets tough. You can actually do anything you set your mind to – just do it!

What life advice would you have for your younger self?

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